Robin Meineke Powerlifting Coaching

I began my journey into strength in 2012. I have been mentoring competitive athletes in powerlifting for the past 3 years. It is my absolute passion to bring forth successful and happy athletes, which block after block of training get closer to their goals. Since two years i'm doing callisthenics competitions. Through the combination of scientifically based knowledge and my own experience, I will do everything to ensure that you can achieve and even exceed your goals.
Qualifications :
🔸Bachelor of Science in Fitness and Economics of Fitness
🔸Licence Personal Training
🔸Licence Sports Nutrition
🔸Licence Fitness Training

🥇 Open German Nationals 23 -105kg, 818kg
🥈Open German Nationals 22 -105kg, 785kg
🥈Open German Nationals 21 -105kg, 767,5kg
🥇Junior German Nationals 19 -120kg, 760kg
8th Junior World Classic 18 -120kg, 760kg
🥇Junior German Nationals 17 -120kg, 765,5kg
Competitions :
🥈 Final Rep DACH 23 +94kg, 505 kg
🥉 Final Rep Worlds 22 +94kg, 501,25kg